Working on ASIC design and verification, as well as hardware development for a high-end color printer for higher resolution and faster printing. The new ASIC includes Image Processing, Print Control, SDRAM Controller, USB and other many function, so that it achieves super fast printing(4 ips for Mono and 2 ips for color)
Real-time dynamic control algorithm to simplify the robot kinematics and dynamics,
program to manipulate the robot at high speed and under high payload,
and computer aided design of parallel robot for larger workspace, (Funded by the Education Ministry of Singapore since Jan. 1995 )
Microprocessor and DSP Development
Develop the microprocessor system which can monitor all the circuit
breaker failure. A portable instrument is developed and transformed to
products which are being widely used in circuit breaker manufacturing.
(Supported by the Foundation of Seventh Five-year Plan of China, Completed
in 1990)(Principal Researcher)
Worked on Digtal Signal Processor and algorithm for adaptive control of noise (Supported by the Education Ministry of Singapore )
Automatic Testing and Non-Destructive
Develop new automatical test system for material failure and explore new Smart Material.
(Funded by Natural SCI. and Tech. Committee Of China, Master Degree,
completed in 1992)(Principal Researcher)
Research & design project awards "Seventh FIVE-YEAR PLAN Research Award
of China", and has been successfully converted to products.
Master degree Project awards "National Research Fund for Science and Technology",
issued by National Natural SCI. & TECH. Committee of China, Certificate
No. 92-09507.
"Workspace Design Of Parallel Manipulator", The Forth International Conference
on, Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, Dec. 3-6, 1996, Singapore,
R&D Department Venture manufacturing (Singapore) Ltd 5004 Ang Mo Kip Ave 5, #01-07 Techplace II, Singapore 639798 Phone: (65)4848010(O)
Fax: (65)482-4806